Quality Enhancement Plan
Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP): Bringing the World to UNO
Date: March 1, 2015
On Site Visit Date: April 14-16, 2015
President Announces QEP: Global Engagement
To: Dr. Donna Dickerson, Chair, QEP Topic Selection Committee
From: Dr. Peter J. Fos, President
Date: April 15, 2014
RE: QEP Topic
I would like to thank you and each member of the QEP Topic Selection Committee for your work and commitment to the QEP and the University of New Orleans. It is very apparent from your report that you and your committee members you took your responsibility very seriously, and I know you all realize the importance of our QEP Topic as we prepare for our SASCOC reaffirmation report and subsequent campus visit in April 2015.
I have decided that our QEP topic will be Global Engagement. I agree with your committee that this topic is very relevant and I feel that it is nicely aligned with our strategic plan, UNO 2020. I also agree with your committee that this topic allows for the inclusion of engaged learning and professional communication, with the potential for a measure of general education reform by the possible addition of globally-focused courses.
I will send my decision to the SACSCOC Steering Committee today. I will establish a QEP Committee in the near future, who will be charged with working to finalize the QEP for submission to SACSCOC in February of 2015.
cc. QEP Topic Selection Committee Members
Dr. William Sharpton
Dr. Richard Hansen
President's Letter Opening the QEP Selection Process
To: All Faculty, Staff and Students
From: Peter J. Fos, President
Date: January 30, 2014
RE: Quality Enhancement Plan
Every ten years, the University of New Orleans’ accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) is reaffirmed through a process of self-study and external review. The purpose is to ensure that the University of New Orleans is meeting the highest educational standards.
In addition to a self-study that analyzes how well the University of New Orleans complies with requirements set by SACS-COC, we must also prepare a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that focuses on a specific project to support student learning and to accomplish the mission of the university. The QEP, implemented over 5-7 years, is intended to be a “game changer” with a significant impact on institutional quality and effectiveness.
Beginning in February, the QEP Topic Selection Committee will meet with a variety of university committees, hold open forums, and solicit topics for the QEP. The committee, which includes representatives from the faculty, students, and staff, will be sending out a schedule of the meetings soon.
The QEP requires broad-based involvement of the university community in the selection of the topic as well as preparation of the plan. Therefore, I urge you to participate in the information sessions and learn as much as you can about the purpose of the QEP and expected outcomes. Once the informational sessions are underway, the Provost will send out a call to the campus soliciting brief proposals for QEP topics.
QEP Topic Selection Committee will review themes proposed and will select four to be presented to the SACS-COC Steering Committee and the university’s leadership team. After announcement of the QEP topic in May, a QEP Task Force representing a variety of constituent groups with direct interest in the selected theme will be formed and charged with the development of the Quality Enhancement Plan.
Faculty, staff and students interested in proposing topics for the QEP are invited to attend one of the QEP Open Forums (dates to be announced soon) or to contact Dr. Donna Dickerson, ddicker1@uno.edu if you have a topic in mind