Application to a Non-uno program
UNO Division of International Education maintains the philosophy that its students should be allowed to enhance their UNO degree within reason. For students who might benefit greatly from study in a country or region in which UNO does not have a program, our UNO Division of International Education makes it possible for that student to participate in an academic program and to receive assistance from us in facilitating such things as receiving transfer credit, financial aid, etc. If a student wishes to participate in a program that is not academically sound (as determined by us), or is in direct competition with an existing UNO program, the Division reserves the right to deny the student any assistance.
In order to determine the level of academic integrity of non-UNO programs, we examine the following:
- Accreditation by a US and/or non-US accrediting body
- Affiliation with other US universities
- Affiliation with major universities in country, and those universities’ accreditation
- "Transferability" of credits back to UNO - subject to UNO faculty/departmental approval
- Academic schedule
- Course descriptions and/or syllabi
- Length of program, contact hours; credit transfer system
- Political, economic, and social stability of the country (US Dept. of State Travel warning is a good indicator of this status). At the time of application, the destination country must have a State Department Travel Advisory of Level 1: Exercise normal precautions or Level 2: Exercise increased caution.
Should a student choose to participate in a non-UNO international study program, he or she must provide the following in order to receive assistance from us:
- Application form/request for assistance
- Letter of intent
- Description of program, including any information regarding that program’s accreditation
- Estimated cost of attendance provided by the program
- Letter of approval from UNO academic advisor stating transferability of credit hours back to UNO
- UNO transcript (official or unofficial)
- $350 nonrefundable program fee*, paid per semester of enrollment
Once a student has provided the items listed above, then we will proceed with the following:
- Review of the student’s application materials
- Decision of whether assistance can be provided to the student
- Designation of what kind of help can be provided to the student, which may include (and is not limited to):
- Help in determining how credit from the program will be treated at UNO. Some credits may have UNO equivalencies, or may transfer in as non-equivalent. Communication with the appropriate academic departments is required. Also, a determination of whether the student will be allowed to transfer the grades in, or whether the grades will only be Pass/Fail will be necessary.
- Registration in “placeholder” credit hours at UNO if appropriate
- In the event that UNO faculty raises objections about the quality of a program, the level of assistance promised by the Division may be rescinded or changed.
- Assistance in determining whether financial aid applies, and how the student might go about receiving financial aid
- Enrollment in the Study Abroad Health Insurance Policy (all students MUST be enrolled in this insurance policy)
- If necessary, advice in obtaining visa information
- Any additional information as known by UNO staff/faculty
NOTE: Each student assumes the responsibility to submit all documents in a timely manner, and upon return ensure that the transcript from the host institution is properly submitted to UNO and that the credit transfer is complete. Failure to complete the program in a satisfactory manner (which may include, but is not limited to, failing classes or not having the transcript and transfer credits properly reported) may result in such negative outcomes as repayment of financial aid or loss of any scholarship funding received for participation in the program.
For assistance, please be sure to contact us by sending us an email or calling us at 504-280-4725