Sample Summer Session Classes
ACCT-2100 Principles of Accounting
Offered each semester. Not open to students in remedial English or remedial mathematics. Not open to freshmen. An introduction to the accounting model and financial statement preparation with emphasis on the concepts and terminology needed to understand a typical corporate report. Topics covered include: current and long-term assets current and long-term liabilities, stockholders' equity, revenues and expenses. (Units: 3/3)
ECON-1203 Principles of Microeconomics
Offered each semester. Prerequisites: MATH 1115 or higher, or eligibility for Math 1125 or higher, and placement in ENGL 1157 or higher. Credit will not be given for both ECON 1203 and 2200. An introduction to the principles of economics; the economics of the firm, including market demand and the costs of production; the market structures of American capitalism; the pricing of products and employment of resources including the determinants of wages, interest, rents, and profits
MUS 3208 – American Popular Music
An overview of the history, literature, form, and content of popular music from colonial times through the early 21st Century. Students will gain an awareness of the technological innovations and evolution of musical trends and styles. Emphasis will be placed on attentive listening and ability to recognize the organizing elements of music: melody, harmony, rhythm, form and lyrics. (3 cred.)
MATH-1031 A Survey of Mathematical Thought I
Non-technical survey of major branches of mathematics with examples of problems and methods in each. Topics include inductive and deductive reasoning, set theory, logic, basic concepts of number theory, solving linear equations in one variable, applications of linear equations in one variable, and basic concepts of geometry. Not offered for degree credit for students enrolled in the College of Sciences or Dr. Robert A. Savoie College of Engineering
PSYC 1520 – Human Sexual Behavior
Offered each semester. Aspects of human sexuality including behavior, anatomy, physiology, cross-cultural comparisons, and historical and current perspectives.
PSYC-1000 General Psychology
Offered each semester. A general introduction to the scientific study of the behavior of organisms. An honors section (1009) is available for qualified students.