The purpose of these rules is to abide by the National Panhellenic Conference Rules and Guidelines and to address situations not specifically outlined in the University of New Orleans Panhellenic Association Bylaws. Any action or activity by any individual or chapter that in the opinion of the majority of the officers of the Panhellenic Association is contrary to the spirit and intent of those bylaws, these rules, or the University of New Orleans Panhellenic Association Code of Ethics shall be considered an infraction of such and shall be handled accordingly.
I. Statement of Positive Panhellenic Contact
We, the women of the University of New Orleans, will promote Panhellenic-spirited contact with all potential new members throughout the year. Strict silence will begin at Preference Night and last until bid distribution. No sorority member, including alumnae and new members, may communicate or live with potential new members during this period. Strict silence is defined as verbal, nonverbal, written, printed, text message and electronic communication or communicating through a third party. If potential new members live in a residence hall with sorority members, only casual greetings and contact are permitted.
II. Statement of Adherence to NPC Unanimous Agreements and Policies Regarding Recruitment
All NPC member organizations represented at the University of New Orleans believe in strictly adhering to NPC Unanimous Agreements and policies. All organizations will follow these valued and non-negotiable policies during the recruitment process.
III. Statement of Values-Based Recruitment
All NPC member organizations represented at the University of New Orleans will promote the following practices during membership recruitment:
Engage in values-based conversations.
Choose recruitment activities and behaviors that reflect the core values of our organizations.
Make informed choices, based on shared values, about potential new members.
Educate potential new members about the values, benefits and obligations of sorority membership.
In accordance with NPC policy, the University of New Orleans recruitment events do not include skits, elaborate decorations and costumes.
IV. Statement of Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA)
The University of New Orleans Panhellenic will uphold and use the membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement (MRABA) for each potential new member interested in joining a sorority, whether during formal or informal recruitment. We agree to all policies and steps pertaining to the MRABA.
V. Statement of Automatic Reset of Total
Total is reset at the Largest Chapter Size.
To allow chapters to achieve parity as quickly as possible, total will be automatically adjusted every regular academic term. This is to be done no later than 72 hours following bid distribution in the academic term that primary recruitment is held and within one week (no more than seven days) from the start of the academic term(s) in which primary recruitment is not held. Total will be determined by median chapter size.
Attendance at Recruitment events is limited to initiated and new members listed on the official chapter roster as submitted to the Greek Life advisor prior to the first day of Recruitment.
In cases where a chapter's membership numbers are low, the Panhellenic Association may grant permission for additional alumnae or collegians from other campuses to recruit potential new members. Requests for this permission must be made in writing at least 14 days prior to the first day of Recruitment. Alumnae and visiting collegians must obey all silence restrictions and other membership recruitment regulations. Alumnae and visiting collegians must wear a nametag identifying them as such throughout all rounds of recruitment or anytime when interaction with a potential new member may occur. If this were to go into effect, the recruitment team must be notified in a timely manner of the Alumna attending. The recruitment team has a right to turn any alumna away for any reason.
The Recruitment Silence period begins immediately following the first Open House Round and ends immediately following Preference events. No chapter member, alumna, or advisor may entertain an unaffiliated woman during this period. Contact between sorority women and potential new members shall be limited to communication necessary to convey common courtesy or to complete academic assignments (class work, group projects, etc.). This includes all types of communication, including verbal, written, printed, typed, or via web or texting.
Strict Silence is the period in which there will be no contact between potential members and chapter members, alumnae, or advisors. This includes all types of communication, including verbal, written, printed, typed, or via web or texting. Strict Silence will be observed between the end of a potential member's final Preference event and the time when she reports to the sorority from which she has accepted a bid.
By midnight on July 15th, each chapter must submit a room layout of each round as well as outfits of each round and recruitment events for approval by the Vice President of Recruitment and Greek Life Advisor. The chapter’s finished Sisterhood Round video will be due by midnight on August 1st. Lattice work will be limited to the amount necessary to cover two walls of the chapter’s recruitment room. These things will be approved by July 31st. If there are any issues or concerns the Chapters must call a meeting with the recruitment chairs before July 31st.
Chapters may not rent items from outside vendors for use during Recruitment events. This is to include chairs, tables, tablecloths, plants, etc. All tables and chairs to be used for Recruitment events will be provided by the Panhellenic Association. A chapter may utilize temporary pedestal tables upon request and approval by the Panhellenic recruitment chair and Greek advisor.
Continuous Open Bidding will begin at 6:00pm on Bid Day and will be continuous throughout the regular academic year while school is in session. Continuous Open Bidding ends the day final exams begin for the Spring Semester. The Chapter can only continuous open bid if they do not meet quote or are below total that was set.
Alumnae may not wear same recruitment outfits or color schemes as active chapter members. They also must wear a name tag to indicate that they are an alumna.
Chapters will not wear any matching shirt throughout the recruitment process. Included in the recruitment process are all mandatory recruitment events, such as, but not limited to Late Night with the Greeks and the Welcome Back Block Party.
75% of each chapter must attend a mandatory Recruitment Rules review. This is to ensure all rules are completely understood.
On Bid Days held in the UC ballroom, Glitter will NOT be permitted.
Attendance at bid day is strictly limited to the members listed on each sorority’s roster. There is a limit of two alumnae allowed per chapter allowed in the rooms of recruiting. Sororities are not permitted to extend invitations to bid day to any other alumnae, inactive members, or members of other councils.
The rules for room set-up for each day of recruitment is as follows. The night before the first round of recruitment, each sorority is allotted four hours to begin room setup, with only 10 members and 2 Alumnae to assist .Beginning on the first day of formal recruitment, six hours before room checks begins, 10 members and 2 alumnae will be permitted to enter the recruitment room to setup. The entire chapter will be allowed to assist in room set-up only three hours before the Room checks begin. Rooms must be completed 1 hour before start time. If the chapter is not ready for room checks when the Recruitment Team comes around then there will be a $100 fine. Each sorority will be able to leave their room assembled throughout formal recruitment until the last night of recruitment. (This is based upon approval by UC Staff.)
The UNO Panhellenic council shall provide each sorority with a storage space in the same building as their recruitment room during formal recruitment (based upon availability in building per campus booking)
The Recruitment budget for each chapter shall be $600.00. In addition, the chapters are allowed to include up to $200 of donated items. Each chapter shall have the discretion to determine how the money will be allocated. A final budget will be due within one week of bid day with all purchased and donated items receipts attached.
The Recruitment budget shall include all items, including, but not limited to, decorations, supplies, flowers and donated items. Panhellenic strongly urges every sorority to use sound judgment, discretion, and maturity in planning and maintaining a realistic and financially sound budget during Recruitment (code of ethics.)
Room Selections: Each chapter will order their preference of which rooms they would like by April 1st. Rooms will be selected based off of chapter size. If chapters are similar in size (less than 4 members difference) grade point average will be the determining factor. The chapter size will be the number of members participating in Recruitment on the chapter side. Rooms will be given by April 30th.
Room 201C (Storage 210 or 212)
Room 204
Room 206
Room 208
Room 210
Room 211 A (largest)
Room 212
Room Setup: Each room should have no more than two walls of tulle and/or lattice. Two walls will be left without tulle or lattice. The chapters may use tables or other free-standing items to fill the other areas of the recruitment room. All items must serve a purpose (examples: holding lights, holdings pictures, holding flags, etc.)
Sorority Recruitment Counselors shall disaffiliate from their sororities for Recruitment. Disaffiliation shall start 30 days before Bid Day and last until the end of Strict Silence. They may not communicate with new members via their normal Instagram; they must make a special Instagram account for the purpose of communicating with PNMs. In addition, they are responsible for placing all social media sites to "private," by May 1st. During Orientation Fests, Privateer Camp, and Transfer Retreat for Leadership, Sorority Recruitment Counselors will be required to disaffiliate from their chapter for the duration of the event.
They may not:
Wear or display their sorority’s letters starting 30 days prior to Bid Day
Repost stuff from their sorority or do anything to promote their sorority on their personal page after May 1st.
Play guessing games with PNMs regarding what sorority they think she is in
Discuss sorority stereotypes with PNMs
Appear in their sorority’s recruitment video or slideshow
Be present when her sorority is discussing recruitment and/or member selection
They may:
Keep decals that contain their sorority name and/or letters on their car
Attend public events put on by their chapter within the 30 days but must not linger for a significant amount of time.
Attend chapter meetings and exec meeting in their chapter, but still must not be present if recruitment is being discussed.
They must:
Temporarily cover up stickers on their laptop that contain their sorority name and/or letters
Remove their letters from their biographies
Change any profile picture or cover photos that show the recruitment counselor with their letters or with their chapters. Delete, Don’t accept, Don't Send”
Chapter members do not need to hide their own posts that contain recruitment counselors, but they shouldn’t post anything new with them within the 30 day period.
Official chapter pages need to hide all posts of recruitment counselors by May 1st. This includes posts and stories. If a recruitment counselor is visible in a group photo, it must be hidden.
Sorority Recruitment Counselors must have gone through formal sorority recruitment on the chapter’ side before becoming a Recruitment Counselor. Recruitment Counselors must understand all sides of recruitment and its processes before becoming a recruitment counselor. Recruitment Counselors must abide to the policy set by the Recruitment Coordinators or they will be dismissed, and their respected chapter will be fined.
Chapter Social Media Etiquette should be as follows: Members are responsible for placing all social media sites to "private" by midnight on May 1st. They will need to set Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. to private. Chapter members are not allowed to send/accept friend requests or message potential new members through social media. These infractions will be subject a $20 fine per infraction. In addition, chapters members will not have to delete potential new members on social members sites, if they had been added prior to the first Spring Orientation.
Each chapter must supply three recruitment counselors that meet all criteria and are in good standing with chapters financially and academically.
Each chapter will be responsible for providing a designated number of volunteers for the marketing and promotion of Recruitment to potential members. A chapter will be fined $20.00 for each member not in attendance. If all members are not at the event when the Recruitment Chair checks attendance the members will be considered absent and the chapter will be fined.
Each sorority chapter must provide 1 girl at each spring and summer orientation fest that the Vice President of Recruitment has told the chapter that they need to attend. Attendance at Open Houses (Get2KnowUNO and Explore UNO) is mandatory as well. A Panhellenic flyer may be given to potential new members at these events provided by Panhellenic. No sorority women are to promote their own chapter directly but must promote Greek life and sorority recruitment as a whole. Table decorations such as informational pieces are allowed for each sorority.
In accordance with the NPC Unanimous Agreements regarding penalties for infractions, the following penalties shall be in place for measurable infractions:
Each 0-15 minutes lists/invitations are entered late into ICS – $75.00 fine
Late Room Layout /Video - $75.00
Recruitment Events: $20 per member not in attendance
Each minor item (favor, note, gift, or souvenir) given to a potential member outside of the guidelines established – $100.00 fine
Each item with sorority insignia (new member pin, badge, etc.) removed from a recruitment event by a potential member – $100.00 fine
Each instance of a Sorority Recruitment Counselor shown in a picture, video, slideshow, website, etc. once disaffiliation begins – $100.00 fine
Break in silence of any form from chapter members, Sorority Recruitment Counselors, or anyone recruiting from any chapter – $100.00. If the break in silence occurs during the nights of Recruitment the fine will be doubled. This includes but is not limited to texting, snapchatting, tweeting and Facebook messaging potential new members.
Social Media Violations- $20 per occurrence.
A violation of the Sorority Recruitment Counselor and Sorority Member Decorum and behavior stated above - $100.00 fine
Each missing member from the 75% attendance at Recruitment Rules meeting stated above - $20.00 fine per missing member
Each chapter that falsely claims That a “malfunction” occurred with recruitment/ICS-$50.00
Anyone not on the roster (except the two chapter advisors) on Bid Day may not attend and are subject to a 25.00 dollar fine per individual.
If Wishlist/Videos/outfits etc. are not congruent with what was approved by the recruitment coordinators a fine will be placed for $50.00 per infraction.
Any fraternity shirt worn during fraternity recruitment week-$10
Each chapter has two weeks to pay their infraction from the day that they are notified by email by the recruitment chair. (14 Business Days)
For every day past a deadline that a payment in late there will be a $20 fine.
If a chapter has more than 3 infractions non-related to social media, they will be ineligible for Greek Awards.
Any chapter that receives three penalties for infractions listed in rule#25 will lose their eligibility to win awards from the university for the remainder of the academic year. The Panhellenic Judicial Committee will also have the authority to assign this penalty for other infractions if they deem it appropriate.
Number of Members Required at Each Recruitment Event
Chalking: 3-6 members
Letters in the Amp: 5 members for the entire time
Welcome Back Block Party: Entire Chapter
Fresh Fest: 3 members for the entire time
Late Night: Entire Chapter
Orientation Fests: 2
Move in Day Cookout: Entire Chapter
Get2KnowUNO: 2 Members OR Determined by the alternating tabling system
Explore UNO: 2 Members OR Determined by the alternating tabling system
Early Advantage: 2 members OR Determined by the alternating tabling system
Convocation/ Speed rounds: 10 Members -Only if Option 1 is implemented