Ph.D., University of Arizona.
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Agribusiness 1982 M.S.
Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan, Economics, 1977 B.S.
At UNO since 1989 Dr. Naka is currently a full member of a graduate faculty at the University of New Orleans. He has published many articles in the area of International Finance and Investments. He has published in journals such as the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Financial Review, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal and among others. His research interests include International Finance, Financial Markets, Asset Pricing Models, Macro Finance, and Real Estate Finance.
- 2004 to present Professor of Economics and Finance, University of New Orleans
- 2000 to 2006 Graduate Coordinator, Department of Economics and Finance, University of New Orleans
- 1995 to 2004 Associate Professor of Economics and Finance, Department of Economics and Finance, University of New Orleans
- 1989 to 1995 Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance
- Department of Economics and Finance, University of New Orleans
- 1984 to 1989 Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Arizona
- 1982 to 1984 Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Southern Illinois University
- “Portfolio Investment Outflow and the Complementary Role of Direct Investment”(Norman, Rahman, Naka), Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 2015.
- “Downside Risk – What the Consumer Sentiment Index Reveals,”(Johnson and Naka), Financial Service Review, 2014, 45-61.
- “Information Transmission and Price Discovery Process: Nifty Index Futures,”(Al Rahahleh and Naka), Review of Futures Markets, 2014, 423-444, 2014.
- “Dynamic Relationships among Equity Flows, Equity Returns, and Dividends: Behavior of U.S. Investors in China and India,”(French and Naka), Global Finance Journal, 2013, 13-29.
- “Stock Return Volatility and Trading Volume Relationships captured with Stable Paretian GARCH and Threshold GARCH models,”(Naka and Oral), Journal of Business & Economics Research, 2013, 47-52.
- “Trading Strategies of the U.S.-based International Mutual Funds and Test of the SEC Regulation,”(Mazumder, Miller, Naka), Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 2008, 1358-1388
- “Volatility Clustering, Leverage Effects, and Jumps Dynamics in the U.S. and Emerging Asian Equity Markets,”(Daal, Naka, Yu), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2007, 2751-2769
- “Diversification Benefits of Japanese Real Estate Over the Last Four Decades,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, forthcoming, 2006 (Maroney and Naka)
- “Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty in Developed and Emerging Markets,” Economics Letters, 2005, 180-186 (Daal, Naka, Sanchez)
- “Changing Risk, Return and Leverage in Asian Equity Markets During the 1997 Financial Crisis,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2004, 143-166 (Maroney, Naka, Wansi)
- “Dynamic Linkages between U.S. Portfolio Equity Flows and Equity Returns in China and India,”Economics of Emerging Markets, (French and Naka), Nova Science Publishers, 2008, 67-97.
- “Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency: A Look at London,”The Changing Environment of International Financial Markets: Issues and Analysis, Macmillan Press, Edited by Dilip K. Ghosh and Edgar Ortiz, 1994, 25-34.
Journal Referee:
- Journal of International Money and Finance
- Journal of Futures Market
- Journal of Macroeconomics
- Journal of International Markets, Institution and Money
- Journal of Economics and Finance
- Applied Financial Economics
- Contemporary Economics Policy
- Financial Review
- Global Finance Journal
- International Review of Economics and Finance
- Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics
- Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
- Review of Financial Economics
Awards and Recognition:
- Graduating Senior Award for Professors, 2011, College of Business Administration, University of New Orleans
- Graduate Students (MBA) Appreciation Award, 2001, College of Business Administration, University of New Orleans
- Faculty Initiative for Technology in Teaching Award, 2001, Office of Academic Affairs, University of New Orleans
- PACAP (Pacific-Basin Capital Market) Research Fellow for 1994-1995 by Pacific Basin Capital Markets Research Center of the University of Rhode Island.
- Doctoral Fellowship, 1988-1989, College of Business Administration, University of Arizona
Outside Grants:
- Principal Investigator: Recruitment of Superior Graduate Fellows in Financial Economics, Board of Regent, State of Louisiana, 2001, $70,000.
- Principal investigator: Recruitment of Superior Graduate Fellows in Financial Economics, Board of Regent, State of Louisiana, 2000, $70,000.
Research Interests
International Finance, Financial Markets, Asset Pricing Models, Macro Finance, and Real Estate Finance