University of Iowa, Ph.D.
Indiana State University, MBA
Al-Balqa'a Applied University, BSc
Mosab Hammoudeh joined the Department of Economics and Finance at UNO in August of 2023. Prior to joining UNO, Mosab served as an assistant professor of finance at Cal State Fullerton. Mosab received his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Iowa in May of 2021, an MBA from Indiana State University in December 2014, and a BSc in Mechatronics Engineering from Al-Balqa'a Applied University in August 2011. His research interests are primarily in corporate finance, and more specifically in mergers & acquisitions, innovation, and product markets. His research has been published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Corporate Finance, and presented at international conferences including AFA, WFA, FMA, NBER, and MFA. Mosab’s research interests include financial management and corporate finance empirical research.
Teaching interests: Financial management and corporate finance empirical research.
Research Interests
Mergers & Acquisitions, Innovation, product markets, peer effects, and industrial organization.