What is the GA code
The GA code is entered for students whose hiring packet has been completed and submitted to the Graduate School. For students hired as full-time GAs, the code will remove the non-resident fee if applicable.
How do I know if I am responsible for paying tuition?
Check the offer letter that you received from your hiring department.
What should I do if my schedule is purged?
If you have been attending classes you can submit a University Registration Appeal through the Graduate School. You will be required to have written statements from each instructor. After your appeal is completed and approved payment for tuition will be required.
If my paperwork is not submitted until after the deadline for tuition payment, do I have to pay the late charge?
Yes. There are due dates for processing appointments through Payroll and your department is responsible for meeting these dates.
What is the processing procedure for GA paperwork?
GA hiring packets are processed in the order in which they are received. Paperwork is checked for errors. Incorrect packets are returned to the department. After processing, personnel information is sent to HR, which in turn, submits it to Payroll. Copies of the Tuition Expenditure form (if applicable) go to Accounting Services and Financial Aid. The entire process may take up to three weeks.
How long after my paperwork has been submitted should I expect to receive my first paycheck?
Payroll sets a deadline approximately one week before each pay period – usually around the 8 th and 24 th of each month. To insure payment on the ensuing pay period GA paperwork must be approved at least two weeks before Payroll's deadline.
If I do not receive a paycheck, whom should I contact? Where is my packet?
Please contact your hiring department.
I have a Green Card (Permanent Resident). Do I still have to be advised by the International Tax Coordinator?
No, this is the only exception. All other international students must check with the Division of International Education regarding the L-4 and W-4.
Under what circumstances am I eligible to enroll in 7040? Does 7040 satisfy the GA full-time student requirement?
7040 is a 0 credit course and therefore does not satisfy full-time enrollment requirements. The pre-requisite for 7040 is that all required credit hours have been completed and the student “has only (other than application for degree) the final typing and acceptance by the Graduate School of his/her thesis or dissertation.” Although Graduate Assistants must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 graduate credit hours for both the Fall and Spring semesters, students in their final, graduation, semester may seek a one-time exception. The student must have already filed the application for degree for that term.