Bid preparation Time
The time required for this phase can be reduced by assistance from your department.
Complete specifications must be prepared for the products and /or services requested- a process usually requiring the input of the end user. If the department does not have a prepared specification, it is very helpful for the end user to highlight vendor specifications, product brochures, websites, or quotes to indicate which of the features are essential.
Providing a list of potential bidders on the product or services including the name, address, voice/fax numbers and email addresses will also help to expedite the process. The Procurement Department can locate potential vendors; however it will require research in many cases which may add to the time required to complete the bid invitation.
Bidding Time
The time allowed for suppliers to respond will depend on the total cost of the purchase.
Over $20,000 - $30,000
The Invitation to Bid may be faxed to the suppliers who may in turn fax their response to the Procurement Department. The time period from the issuing of the Invitation to Bid to the bid opening will be at least three working days. Complex bids (e.g. requiring samples to be submitted) may need to be handled as a mailed bid and require a longer time.
Over $30,000
The Invitation to Bid must be mailed to the suppliers who must return the original completed bid by mail or in person to the Procurement Department. The bid must be advertised in the Morning Advocate and the Times Picayune newspapers as well as the LaPAC state purchasing website in the open solicitation section. The time period from the appearance of the advertisement to the bid opening will be at least 21 calendar days.
Award Preparation Time
The time required from the opening of the bids until the issuance of the Purchase Order will depend on factors such as receiving approval for award from the department, obtaining any required insurance certificates from the suppliers, etc.